Publication information

CitationAdrian Doyle, 'Old Irish glosses on Paul's Epistles in Würzburg, Universitätsbibliothek, 12', in Gloss Corpus (2024), DOI:
Published on18 December 2024
Stable URL
Total glosses3,642

The manuscript, Codex Paulinus Wirziburgensis, contains the Latin text of the epistles of St. Paul. Marginal and interlinear glosses explaining this text have been added to the codex in three distinguishable scribal hands. Dating from about the middle of the eighth century, these glosses comprise one of the earliest large bodies of text written in Irish.

The purpose of this site is to make to make the Würzburg Irish glosses available in digital format. The digital text is based on the edition of the glosses available in Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus, Vol. 1 (Stokes and Strachan, 1901). Here the editors present 3,501 glosses which include Irish content, noting however, that further glosses have apparently been lost due to the age of the manuscript, and the process of its binding.

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Primary text

SourceClementine Vulgate Project (public domain), based mainly on edition by A. Colunga and L. Turrado (La Editorial Católica, Madrid, 1946) (see
How the text is divided in this online edition:
Segmented by chapter and verse.
DataXML file (353 kB)

Gloss collection(s)

ManuscriptWürzburg, Universitätsbibliothek, 12
DataXML file (1,114 kB)
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