About Gloss Corpus

Gloss Corpus is a fully open-access, open-standards resource for the collaborative publication and study of glosses on medieval manuscripts. It aims to support the glossing research community by sharing resources and tools, including tools for data analytics and visualisation (currently still in development).

This resource was developed by Pádraic Moran (University of Galway). It builds on his earlier work on the digital edition of the St Gall Priscian Glosses. It now forms part of a broader research project, Global and Local Scholarship on Annotated Manuscripts (GLOSSAM), funded by Research Ireland, 2022–2026.

Its editorial principles are:

  • Contributors receive full credit for their own content.
  • Editions are citable with unique DOIs and persistent URL.
  • Editions may be optionally peer-reviewed by an editorial committee.

Guidelines for publishing

In the first place, contact Pádraic Moran (padraic.moran@universityofgalway.ie) to discuss your project.

Content should be provided in XML format, conforming to the usage guidelines described below. (XML is very easy to learn. If you are unfamiliar with it, Pádraic will give advice.)

1. XML templates

Version 1.0:

2. Documentation

Download the Gloss Corpus encoding guidelines: version 1.0 (18 December 2024)

3. Illustration of tags for manuscript transcription

In general, the representation of text in editorial transcriptions conforms to the mark-up methods recommended by the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI).

The following tags are currently accommodated. (Moving your mouse over text in the presentation column may show additional information.) Editors may choose to use whichever tags are appropriate for their goals.

3.1 Tags that describe the appearance of the manuscript:

Tag Purpose Sample code Presentation
<add></add>Secondary addition in manuscriptglossa<add>s</add> legoglossas lego
<del></del>Text cancelled in manuscriptglossas<del>s</del> legoglossass lego
<g></g>Graphical symbol in manuscript (represented in transcription with a similar keyboard/Unicode character)<g>%</g>%
<lb/>Line break in manuscriptglos<lb/>sas legoglos|sas lego
<space/>Blank space in manuscript. (You may optionally indicate an extent: e.g. <space extent="1 line"/>.)glossas <space extent="1 line"/> legoglossas [_] lego

3.2 Tags that document editorial interventions:

Tag Purpose Sample code Presentation
<corr></corr>Editorial correctionglossis <corr>glossas</corr> legoglossis (= glossas) lego
<ex></ex>Editorial expansionliber glossa<ex>rum</ex>liber glossarum
<gap/>Gap in editorial transcription due to illegibility, damage, etc. (You may optionally indicate an extent or reason: e.g. <gap extent="3 letters" reason="illegible"/>.)<gap extent="7 letters" /> lego[...] lego
<note type="editorial"></note>Editorial note (shows on mouse over)glossas lego <note type="editorial">Written in Tironian signs</note>glossas lego [NOTE]
<sic></sic>Editorial marking of apparent errors<sic>glossis</sic> legoglossis (sic) lego
<supplied></supplied>Editorially supplied textglos<supplied>s</supplied>as legoglos<s>as lego
<surplus></surplus>Editorial marking of redundant textglossas<surplus>s</surplus> legoglossas(s) lego
<unclear></unclear>Editorial uncertainty in transcription<unclear>g</unclear>lossas lego[g?]lossas lego
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