Published 6 April 2022. Updates: 13 Dec 2022 (Lendinara, Patrizia), 27 Nov 2023 (Claudio Cataldi).
Bauer, Bernhard
- Bauer, B., “Venezia, Biblioteca Marciana, Zanetti lat. 349. An isolated manuscript?A (network) analysis of parallel glosses on Orosius’ Historiae adversus Paganos”, in Études Celtiques 45 (2019), 91–106.
- Bauer, B., “The Celtic Parallel Glosses on Bede’s De Natura Rerum”, in Peritia 31 (2019), 31–51.
- Bauer, B., “Who are we? On the usage of ‘we/us’ in the St Gall Priscian Glosses”, in Celtica 31 (2019), 5–18.
- Bauer, B., “The interconnections of St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, ms 251 with the Celtic Bede manuscripts”, in Keltische Forschungen 8 (2019), 31–48.
- Bauer, B., “Different Types of Language Contact in the Early Medieval Celtic Glosses’’, in Proceedings of the 37th Harvard Celtic Colloquium (2017), Cambridge, Massachusetts: JKD Publishing, 2019, 33–46.
- Bauer, B., “New and corrected MS readings of the Old Irish glosses in the Vienna Bede”, in Ériu 67 (2017), 29–48.
- Bauer, B., “Sg. 197b10 (= 197b31 ee)”, in: Keltische Forschungen 7 (2017), 7–15.
- Bauer, B., Hofman, R., and Moran, P., St Gall Priscian glosses v2.0 (2017).
- Bauer, B., A dictionary of the Old Irish Priscian Glosses (2015)
- Bauer, B., “Parallel Old Irish and Old Breton glosses on Priscian’s Institutiones Grammaticae”, in: Roma, E. and Stifter, D. (eds.), Linguistic and Philological Studies in Early Irish, Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 2014, 31–52
- Bauer, B., Studien zu den Altbretonischen Glossen (Diploma-Thesis). Wien, 2008 (
Bisagni, Jacopo
- Bisagni, Jacopo (2019), Amrae Coluimb Chille: a Critical Edition (Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies).
Articles and papers
- Bisagni, Jacopo (with contributions by Corrigan, Sarah) (2021), A Descriptive Handlist of Breton Manuscripts, c. AD 780–1100. (Galway: NUI Galway), online resource available at the URL
- Bisagni, Jacopo (2021), ‘A newly discovered Irish tract on the divisions of time in Laon, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS. 422’, Études Celtiques, 47, pp. 125-169.
- Bisagni, Jacopo (2021), review of A. Blom, Glossing the Psalms: The emergence of the written vernaculars in Western Europe from the seventh to the twelfth centuries (Berlin/Boston 2017), in Études Celtiques, 47, pp. 257-262
- Bisagni, Jacopo (2020), ‘Une nouvelle glose en vieux-breton dans Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, MS 9605’, Études Celtiques 46, pp. 35-54.
- Bisagni, Jacopo (2020), From Atoms to the Cosmos: The Irish Tradition of the Divisions of Time in the Early Middle Ages (Cambridge: Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic & Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge).
- Bisagni, Jacopo (2019), ‘La littérature computistique irlandaise dans la Bretagne du Haut Moyen Âge : nouvelles découvertes et nouvelles perspectives’,Britannia Monastica, 20, pp. 241-285.
- Bisagni, Jacopo (2018), ‘Les gloses inédites en Vieux-Breton et Vieil-Anglais dans Orléans 182’, Études Celtiques 44, pp. 133-154.
- Bisagni, Jacopo and Lambert, Pierre-Yves (2018), ‘Notes sur quelques mots vieux-bretons du manuscrit Angers 477, f. 36r’, Études Celtiques, 44, pp. 155-162.
- Bisagni, Jacopo (2015), ‘L’Epistula ad Dardanum et l’exégèse irlandaise des instruments de musique’, in G. Oudaer et al. (eds), Mélanges en l’Honneur de Pierre-Yves Lambert (Rennes: Éditions TIR), pp. 347-358.
- Bisagni, Jacopo (2014), ‘Prolegomena to the Study of Code-Switching in the Old Irish Glosses’, Peritia, 24-25, pp. 1-58.
- Bisagni, Jacopo (2014), ‘A new citation from a work of Columbanus in BnF Lat. 6400B’, Peritia, 24-25, pp. 116-122.
- Bisagni, Jacopo and Warntjes, Immo (2007), ‘Latin and Old Irish in the Munich Computus: a reassessment and further evidence’, Ériu, 57, pp. 1-33.
Cataldi, Claudio
- Cataldi, Claudio, ‘The Glosses in Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 303’, in Studies on Late Antique and Medieval Germanic Glossography and Lexicography in Honour of Patrizia Lendinara, ed. by Claudia Di Sciacca, Concetta Giliberto, Carmela Rizzo and Loredana Teresi (Pisa: ETS, 2018), pp. 89-105.
- Cataldi, Claudio, ‘Nomina membrorum in Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 730’, The Journal of English and Germanic Philology 118 (2019), 468-485.
- Cataldi, Claudio, ‘The Ælfrician Glossaries in Oxford, Bodleian Library, Barlow 35: A New Edition and Commentary’, Anglia 138 (2020), 213-233.
- Cataldi, Claudio, ‘A List of Family Relation Names from Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 265, P. 112’, Notes & Queries 67 (2020), 469-471.
- Cataldi, Claudio, ‘I Synonyma pseudo-ciceroniani nel manoscritto Oxford, Bodleian Library, Barlow 35’, Pan 9 n.s. (2020), 165-180.
- Cataldi, Claudio (ed.), The Bodley Glossaries. The Glossaries in Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 730. A New Edition with Introduction and Notes. Publications of the Dictionary of Old English 11 (Toronto: PIMS, 2023).
- Cataldi, Claudio, ‘The Worcester Herbal Glossary: Edition and Commentary’, Anglia 141 (2023), 258-289.
- Cataldi, Claudio, ‘The Glossary in London, British Library, Harley 107, fol. 72v’, Neophilologus 107 (2023), 659-677.
- Cataldi, Claudio, ‘The Glossaries in Bodley 730’, in Medieval Glossaries from North-Western Europe: Tradition and Innovation, ed. by Annina Seiler, Chiara Benati, and Sara Pons-Sanz, The Medieval Translator, 19 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2023), pp. 313-317.
Cinato, Franck
(See also Grondeux, Anne)
- Cinato, Franck, Priscien glosé. L’Ars grammatica de Priscien vue à travers les gloses carolingiennes, Turnhout, 2015 (Brepols : Studia Artistarum 41), 753 p.
Articles and papers
- Cinato, F., « Les gloses carolingiennes à l’ars Prisciani. Méthode d’analyse », In Priscien. Transmission et refondation de la grammaire, de l’antiquité aux modernes (Actes du colloque de Lyon sur Priscien), éd. M. Baratin, B. Colombat, L. Holtz, Turnhout (Brepols : Studia Artistarum 21), 2009, p. 429-444.
- Cinato, F., « À propos des sources d’un glossariolum du Mont-Cassin », In Parva pro magnis munera. Études de littérature tardo-Antique et médiévale offertes à François Dolbeau par ses élèves, éd. M. Goullet, Turnhout (Brepols: instrumenta patristica et medievalia. Research on the Inheritance of Early and Medieval Christianity 51), 2009, p. 803-830.
- Cinato, F., « Quand le Liber Glossarum rencontre Priscien au début du IXe siècle. Les gloses collectées du manuscrit Vaticano, Reg. Lat. 1650 », Voces 21 (2010), p. 37-48.
- Cinato, F., « Perspectives offertes par un corpus électronique de gloses sur Priscien», Eruditio Antiqua 3 (2011), p. 131-151 [revue électronique en ligne:]
- Cinato, F., « Marginalia témoins du travail de Jean Scot sur Priscien », in Arts du langage et théologie aux confins des XIe-XIIe siècles. Textes, Maîtres, Débats, éd. I. Rosier-Catach, Turnhout (Brepols : Studia Artistarum 26), 2011, p. 539-563.
- Cinato, F., « Expositiones verborum: le travail lexicographique produit autour de l’Ars Prisciani du IXe siècle à Pierre Hélie », in Arts du langage et théologie aux confins des XIe-XIIe siècles. Textes, Maîtres, Débats, éd. I. Rosier-Catach, Turnhout (Brepols : Studia Artistarum 26), 2011, p. 275-316.
- Cinato, F., « Accessus ad Priscianum. De Jean Scot Érigène a Létald de Micy », Archivium Latinitatis Medii Aevi 70 (2012), p. 27-90.
- Cinato, F. et Whitman, J.B. (éd.), Lecture vernaculaire des textes classiques chinois / Reading Chinese Classical texts in the Vernacular, Dossiers d’HEL 7 (2014) [publication électronique dans les dossiers HEL, hypothè, comprenant un avant-propos et un compte-rendu (« Carnet de Voyage et perspectives ») assorti de résumés :].
- Cinato, F., « Le ‘Goth Ansileubus’, les Glossae Salomonis et les glossaires wisigothiques. Mise au point sur les attributions et les sources glossographiques du Liber glossarum », Dossiers d’HEL 8 (complément au n° 36/1 HEL), p. 37-56. [].
- Cinato, F., « Prolégomènes à un Catalogue des manuscrits du Liber glossarum. I. Fragments, tradition directe et indirecte », Dossiers d’HEL 8 (complément au n° 36/1 HEL), p. 13-35. [].
- Denoël C. et Cinato, F., « Y a-t-il eu un scriptorium à Auxerre au temps d’Heiric (841-v. 876)? », in A. Nievergelt, M. Bernasconi-Reusser, B. Ebersperger, R. Gamper, E.Tremp (éd.), Scriptorium. Wesen – Funktion – Eigenheiten, Comité international de Paléographie latine, XVIII. Internationaler Kongress St. Gallen 11.-14. September 2013, München, 2015, p. 199-230.
- Cinato, F., « Que nous apprennent les écritures des plus anciens témoins du Liber glossarum sur l’archétype ? », Dossiers d’HEL n°10 (2016), p. 59-124.
- Cinato, F., « Les gloses à Priscien dans les manuscrits scottice scripti et leurs relations avec le Liber Glossarum », Britannia Monastica 19 (2017), p. 83-115.
- Cinato, F., « The Earliest Anonymous Exposition of Priscian: Two Manuscripts and their Glosses », in The Annotated Book. Early Medieval Practices of Reading and Writing, éd. M. Teeuwen, I. van Renswoude, Turnhout (Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy 38), Turnhout, 2017, p. 199-236.
- Cinato, F., « Les listes des grammairiens dans le haut Moyen Âge et le témoignage du Liber glossarum », in Le pouvoir des listes au Moyen Âge, 1, dir. C. Angotti, P. Chastang, V. Debiais et L. Kendrick, Paris, 2019, p. 221-255.
- Cinato, F., « La diffusion des signes de construction syntaxique entre la France et l’Angleterre », in France et Angleterre : manuscrits médiévaux entre 700 et 1200, éd. Ch. Denoël et F. Siri, Turnhout, 2020 (Brepols, série Bibliologia 57), p. 333-361.
- Cinato, F., « Israel the Grammarian: Bishop, Monk, and Rotbert of Trier “Shining Light”», In Knowledge and Culture in Times of Threat: The Fall of the Carolingian Empire (ca. 900), ed. W. Pezé, Monographien zur Geschichte des Mittelalters, Stuttgart : Hiersemann Verlag, 2020, p. 249-278.
Grifoni, Cinzia
- Otfridi Wizanburgensis Glossae in Matthaeum, ed. Cinzia Grifoni (CC CM 200, Turnhout 2003).
- Otfridi Wizanburgensis Glossae in Iohannem, ed. Cinzia Grifoni (in preparation for CC CM, Brepols Publishers).
- W. Pohl, C. Gantner, C. Grifoni, M. Pollheimer-Mohaupt (eds.), Transformations of Romanness: Early Medieval Regions and Identities (Berlin: De Gruyter 2018).
- Grifoni, C., Margins at the Centre
- Grifoni, C. et al., 2016: “GENS – Groups and ethnic nomenclature: a semantic database”
Articles and Papers
- Grifoni, Cinzia. ‘Le edizioni glossate di libri biblici nel sec. IX: la tipologia codicologica a tre colonne’, in: Paolo Chiesa (ed.), Paolino di Aquileia e il contributo italiano all’Europa carolingia. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi, Cividale del Friuli 10-13 ottobre 2003 (Udine 2003), pp. 191-196.
- Grifoni, Cinzia. “Otfridus Wizanburgensis”, in: La trasmissione dei testi latini nel Medioevo-Mediaeval Latin Texts and their Transmission 1, ed. Paolo Chiesa/Lucia Castaldi (Firenze 2004), pp. 321-325.
- Grifoni, Cinzia. ‘A new witness of the third recension of ps.-Methodius’ Revelationes: Winithar’s manuscript Sankt Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, MS 238 and the role of Rome in human history’, in: Early Medieval Europe 2014 22/4, pp. 446-460. DOI: 10.1111/emed.12081.
- Grifoni, Cinzia. ‘Reading the Catholic Epistles: Glossing practices at early medieval Wissembourg’, in: M. von Teeuwen/I. van Reswoude (eds.), The Annotated Book in the Early Middle Ages: Practices of Reading and Writing, Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy 38 (Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2017), pp. 705-742. DOI: 10.1484/M.USML-EB.5.115039
- Grifoni, Cinzia. ‘Auf Otfrids Spuren in der frühmittelalterlichen Bibliothek Weißenburg’, in: Patrizia Carmassi/Christian Heitzmann (eds.), Marginalien in Bild und Text. Essays zu mittelalterlichen Handschriften, Wolfenbütteler Forschungen 156 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2019), pp. 79-101.
- Grifoni, Cinzia. ‘The Third Latin Recension of the Revelations of Pseudo-Methodius: Ch. 2: The manuscript transmission; Ch. 3: The contents of the Third Recension’ (Chs. 1 and 4 by Clemens Gantner), in: V. Wieser/V. Eltschinger/J. Heiss (eds.), Cultures of Eschatology. Volume 1: Empires and Scriptural Authorities in Medieval Christian, Islamic and Buddhist Communities, (Berlin et al.: De Gruyter, 2020), pp. 194-224 & 249-253. Download PDF
- Grifoni, Cinzia. ‘The Third Latin Recension of the Revelations of Pseudo-Methodius – edition’, in: V. Wieser/V. Eltschinger/J. Heiss (eds.), Cultures of Eschatology. Volume 1: Empires and Scriptural Authorities in Medieval Christian, Islamic and Buddhist Communities, (Berlin et al.: De Gruyter, 2020), pp. 224-248. Download PDF
- Grifoni, Cinzia. ‘In the Name of the Ruler: Political Legitimization and Social Distinction in Early Medieval Latin Treatises on the Properties of Names (De nomine)’, in: Walter Pohl/Andreas Fischer (eds.), Christian Discourse, Distinction and Identity, (Vienna: Verlag der ÖAW) (accepted: 19.09.2017).
- Grifoni, Cinzia. ‘Commented editions of the Bible in Carolingian Europe and Otfrid’s approach to the Book of Isaiah’, in: Anna Dorofeeva/Michael Kelly (eds.), Practices of Knowledge Selection in Early Medieval Manuscripts, (Gracchi Books) (accepted: 20.06.2021).
- Grifoni, Cinzia. ‘Un giovane promettente: la rappresentazione alcuiniana di Pipino d’Italia nella Disputatio Pippini cum Albino (con traduzione italiana del testo)’, in: Giuseppe Albertoni/Francesco Borri (eds.), Spes Italiae: Pippins Königreich, die Karolinger und Italien (781 – 810), (Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2022), pp. 263-290.
- Grifoni, Cinzia. ‘This is a cleric: Hrabanus Maurus’s De institutione clericorum, Clerical Monks and the Carolingian Church’, in: Rutger Kramer/Emilie Kurdziel/Graeme Ward (eds.), Monastic Communities and Canonical Clergy in the Carolingian World (780–840): Categorizing the Church, MMS 8 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2022, in press).
- Grifoni, Cinzia and Vocino, Giorgia: ‘A Carolingian ‘Reform of Education’? The Reception of Alcuin’s Pedagogy’, in: Carine van Rhijn/Ingrid Rembold/Arthur Westwell (eds.), Rethinking Carolingian Correctio, (Manchester: Manchester University Press, in press).
Grondeux, Anne
- Grondeux, A., Anonymi Montepessulanensis dictionarius. Le glossaire latin-français du ms. Montpellier H236, Turnhout, 1998, p. 9 140 (CCCM. LLMA 2).
- Grondeux, A., Le Graecismus d’Évrard de Béthune à travers ses gloses. Entre grammaire positive et grammaire spéculative du XIIIe au XVe siècle, Turnhout, 2000 (550 p.).
- Grondeux, A., (avec J. Olszowy-Schlanger) Dictionnaire hébreu-latin-français de la Bible hébraïque de l’abbaye de Ramsey (XIIIe siècle), Turnhout, 2008 (CCCM. LLMA 4).
- Grondeux, A., Glosa super Graecismum Eberhardi Bethuniensis. Capitula I-III : De figuris coloribusque rhetoricis, Turnhout, 2010 (CCM 225).
- Grondeux, A., (avec M. Fredborg et I. Rosier-Catach) Glosa Victorina super partem Prisciani De constructione, Turnhout, 2011 (SA 27).
- Grondeux, A., À l’école de Cassiodore. Les figures « extravagantes » dans la tradition occidentale, Turnhout, Brepols, 2013 (CCLP 7), 388 p.
- Grondeux, A., Le dictionnaire Aalma. Les versions Saint-Omer, BM 644, Exeter, Cath. Libr. 3517 et Paris, BnF lat. 13032, B. Merrilees †, W. Edwards, A. Grondeux (eds.), Turnhout, 2019 (CCCM – LLMA 6).
- Grondeux, A., (avec Louis Holtz) Étude et édition critique des Excerptiones super Priscianum d’Alcuin, Turnhout, 2020 (CCCM 304).
- Grondeux, A., Édition des Glosulae in Priscianum maiorem : volume 4 en préparation par C. Tarlazzi (Genève – livre XII), E. Lorenzetti (Rome – livre XIII), A. Grondeux (livres XIV-XV-XVI) pour 2022.
- Grondeux, A., « Le Graecismus d’Évrard de Béthune et sa glose », Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi 50 (1991) p. 71-101.
- Grondeux, A., « La révision du Graecismus d’Évrard de Béthune par Jean de Garlande », Revue d’Histoire des Textes, 29, 2000, p. 317 25.
- Grondeux, A., « Glose et auctoritas : quelle place pour un auteur dans une glose ? », Auctor et auctoritas. Invention et conformisme dans l’écriture médiévale. Actes du colloque de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (14-16 juin 1999), dir. M. Zimmermann, Paris, 2001, p. 245-254.
- Grondeux, A., « Une méthode de lexicographie biblique au XIIIe siècle : Le dictionnaire hébreu-latin-ancien français de l’abbaye de Ramsey », ALMA 65 (2007) p. 209-25.
- Grondeux, A., « Accéder au savoir par le Liber glossarum. Quelques réflexions sur son élaboration », Colloque international Formas de acceso al saber en la Antigüedad Tardía y la Alta Edad Media…, Salamanca, 5-6 november 2009, Voces, 19, (2008), p. 93-102.
- Grondeux, A., « Le Liber glossarum (VIIIe siècle). Prolégomènes à une nouvelle édition », ALMA 69, 2011, p. 23-51.
- Grondeux, A., « L’entrée uox du Liber glossarum. Les sources et leur mise en œuvre », in A. Zucker (ed.), Encyclopédire. Formes de l’ambition encyclopédique de l’Antiquité au Moyen Âge, Turnhout, 2013 (Collection d’Etudes Médiévales de Nice), p. 259-275.
- Grondeux, A., « Introduction : Rencontre autour du Liber Glossarum (suite) », in Dossiers d’HEL, SHESL, 2015, L’activité lexicographique dans le haut Moyen Âge latin Rencontre autour du Liber Glossarum (suite), 8, pp.2-4. ⟨⟩
- Grondeux, A., « Stemma provisoire de la tradition manuscrite du Liber glossarum », in Dossiers d’HEL, SHESL, 2015, 8, p. 5-10. ⟨⟩
- Grondeux, A., « Note sur la présence de l’Hypomnesticon pseudo-augustinien dans le Liber glossarum », Les Dossiers d’HEL 8 (2015), p. 59-78.
- Grondeux, A., « Le rôle de Reichenau dans la diffusion du Liber glossarum », Les Dossiers d’HEL 8 (2015), p. 79-93.
- Grondeux, A., « Le traitement des “autorités” dans le Liber Glossarum », Eruditio antiqua, HiSoMA/MOM, 2015, L’autorité dans les arts libéraux 7, pp.71 – 95. ⟨⟩
- Grondeux, A., « Introduction », Dossiers d’HEL, SHESL, 2016, Le Liber glossarum (s. VII-VIII) : Composition, sources, réception, pp.3-8. ⟨⟩
- Grondeux, A., « Le De obseruantia ciborum, les Dynamidia et le Liber glossarum », in Dossiers d’HEL, SHESL, 2016, Le Liber glossarum (s. VII-VIII) : Composition, sources, réception, p. 283-302. ⟨⟩
- Grondeux, A., « Reprise humaniste d’un commentaire médiéval. À propos de la première édition incunable des Glosulae in Priscianum », dans Cédric GIRAUD, Dominique POIRIEL (eds.), La rigueur et la passion. Mélanges en l’honneur de Pascale Bourgain, Turnhout, 2016 (Instrumenta patristica et mediaevalia 71), p. 797-812.
- Grondeux, A., « Note sur les gloses du manuscrit Montecassino 318 », in Sciences du quadrivium au Mont-Cassin : regards croisés sur le manuscrit Montecassino, Archivio dell’Abbazia 318, éd. Laura Albiero et Isabelle Draelants, Turnhout, 2018 (Bibliologia 51) p. 313-326.
- Grondeux, A., « L’Anonymus Ecksteinii III, Isidore de Séville et le Liber glossarum », in Grammaticalia. Hommage à Bernard Colombat, éd. JM Fournier, A. Lahaussois, V. Raby, Lyon, 2019, p. 97-107.
- Grondeux, A., « Présence des Pères de l’Eglise dans le Liber glossarum (s. VII) », dans Écriture et exégèse d’Origène à Lorenzo Valla, coord. M.V. Ingegno (à paraître).
- Grondeux, A., « Lectures et lecteurs de Priscien au xiie siècle : le cas des Glosulae », in Latin Language Manuals in Western Christianity, sous-presse
- Grondeux, A., « Extraits du Contra Fabianum perdu de Fulgence de Ruspe dans le Liber glossarum (viiie s.) », à paraître dans les Mélanges Gilbert Dahan , dir. A. Noblesse-Rocher.
- Grondeux, A., « The Liber glossarum (s. VII) », in Oxford Guide to the Transmission of the Latin Classics (à paraître).
Grondeux & Rosier
- Grondeux, A., (avec I. Rosier-Catach), « Les Glosulae super Priscianum et leur tradition », in. I. Rosier-Catach (éd.), Arts du langage et théologie aux confins des XIe et XIIe siècles. Textes, maîtres, débats, Turnhout, 2011, p. 107-179.
- Grondeux, A., (avec M. Fredborg et I. Rosier-Catach) Glosa Victorina super partem Prisciani De constructione, Turnhout, 2011 (SA 27).
- Grondeux, A., (avec I. Rosier-Catach), « William of Champeaux, the Glosulae on Priscian and the Notae Dunelmenses », Historiographia Linguistica 44:2-3 (2017), p. 306-330.
- Grondeux, A., (avec I. Rosier-Catach) Priscien lu par Guillaume de Champeaux et son école. Les Notae Dunelmenses (Durham C.IV.29), Turnhout, Brepols, 2017 (2 vol.).
Grondeux & Cinato
- Grondeux, A. et Cinato, F., Liber glossarum digital:
- Grondeux, A. et Cinato, F., « Nouvelles hypothèses sur l’origine du Liber glossarum », Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi, 76 (2018), p. 61-100.
- Grondeux, A. et Cinato, F., « Réception du Liber glossarum », Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch, 76 (2019) p. 441-459.
Jimeno, Roldan
- Jimeno, Roldan “The origins of Ius commune: glosses and glossaries from the tenth and eleventh centuries”, Glossae. European Journal of Legal History, 14 (2017), pp. 805-817. [URL: ]
Keskiaho, Jesse
- Keskiao, J., “A widespread set of late-antique annotations to Augustine’s De Genesi ad litteram”, Sacris Erudiri 55 (2016): 79–127.
- Keskiao, J., “The Annotation of Patristic Texts as Curatorial Activity? The Case of Marginalia to Augustine’s De Genesi ad litteram in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages”, in M. Teeuwen & I. Van Renswoude (eds.), The Annotated Book. Early Medieval Practices of Reading and Writing, Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy 38 (Turnhout, 2017): 673–704.
- Keskiao, J., “The Chapter Headings and Annotations to Augustine’s De Genesi ad litteram in Paris BnF lat. 2112”, Recherches Augustiniennes et patristiques 38 (2018): 97–164.
- Keskiao, J., “Late-Antique or Early Medieval Annotations to Augustine’s De Genesi ad litteram in Novara, Biblioteca Capitolare, LXXXIII and Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 1804”, Studi Medievali 59 (2018): 189–213 & 3 kuvaa.
- Keskiao, J., “Copied marginal annotations and the early history of Augustine’s De ciuitate Dei”, Augustiniana 69 (2019): 277–298.
Lahaussois, Aimée
- Lahaussois, Aimée. 2021. Glossing in the Linguistic Survey of India: some insights into early 20th century practices. Historiographia Linguistica 48(1), p. 25-59.
- Lahaussois, Aimée. 2016, “The translation tier in interlinear glossed text: changing practices in the description of endangered languages.” In Philips-Batoma, Patricia, and Zhang, Florence (eds), Translation as Innovation: Bridging the Sciences and the Humanities. Normal, IL: Dalkey Archive Press, pp. 261-278.
- Lahaussois, Aimée and Léon, Jacqueline. 2015, “Transcription and translation of unwritten languages in American linguistics (1950s to 2000s)”, dans Aussant, Emilie (ed.) La traduction dans l’histoire des idées linguistiques. Représentations et pratiques. Geuthner. pp 235-258.
Lendinara, Patrizia
- Lendinara, P., Anglo-Saxon Glosses and Glossaries (Variorum Collected Studies Series CS622), Aldershot, Ashgate 1999.
- Lendinara, P., Lazzari, L. & Di Sciacca, C., Rethinking and Recontextualizing Glosses: New Perspectives in the Study of Late Anglo-Saxon Glossography (Fédération internationale des Instituts d’études médiévales. Textes et études du moyen âge 57), Porto, FIDEM 2011.
- Lendinara, P. ‘Ags. fahame’, AION sez. germ. Fil. germ. 23 (1980), pp. 191-196.
- Lendinara, P., ‘Il Colloquio di Ælfric e il colloquio di Ælfric Bata, in ‘feor ond neah’. Scritti di Filologia germanica in memoria di Augusto Scaffidi Abbate, edd. P. Lendinara & L. Melazzo (Annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università di Palermo. Studi e ricerche, 3). Palermo, STASS 1983, pp. 173-249.
—transl. repr. in Anglo-Saxon Glosses and Glossaries,1999, pp. 207-288. - Lendinara, P., ‘Due glosse di origine germanica nel ms. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, lat. 13833’, AION Fil. germ. 28-29 (1985-1986), pp. 313-349.
- Lendinara, P., ‘The Third Book of the Bella Parisiacae Urbis by Abbo of Saint-Germain-des-Prés and its Old English Gloss, Anglo-Saxon England 15 (1986), pp. 73-89.
—repr. in Anglo-Saxon Glosses and Glossaries 1999, pp. 157-175. - Lendinara, P., ‘Il glossario del ms. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 163’, Romanobarbarica 10 (1988-1989), pp. 485-516.
—transl. repr. in Anglo-Saxon Glosses and Glossaries,1999, pp. 329-355. - Lendinara, P.,‘The Abbo Glossary in London, British Library, Cotton Domitian i’, Anglo-Saxon England 19 (1990), pp. 133-149.
—repr. in Anglo-Saxon Glosses and Glossaries,1999, pp. 177-198. - Lendinara, P., ‘Competing with Abbo. The Third Book of the BPU by Abbo of Saint-Germain and the Distigium of John of Garland’, ANQ n.s. 4 (1991), pp. 6-11.
—repr. in Anglo-Saxon Glosses and Glossaries,1999, pp. 199-206 - Lendinara, P., ‘Glosses and Glossaries, The Glossator’s Choice’, in Anglo-Saxon Glossography. Papers read at the International Conference Brussels 8 and 9 September 1986, ed. R. Derolez, Brussel, Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België 1992, pp. 207-243.
—repr. in Anglo-Saxon Glosses and Glossaries,1999, pp. 27-70. - Lendinara, P., ‘Le glosse secondarie’, in Studi linguistici e filologici offerti a G. Caracausi (CSFLS, Supplementi al Bollettino, 12), Palermo, CSFLS 1992, pp. 269-281.
—transl. repr. in Anglo-Saxon Glosses and Glossaries,1999, pp. 71-86. - Lendinara, P., ‘On John Scottus’s Authorship of the Biblical Glosses’, Studi medievali 3rd ser. 33 (1992), pp. 571-579.
—repr. in Anglo-Saxon Glosses and Glossaries,1999, pp. 139-148. - Lendinara, P., ‘An Old English Gloss to the Scholica Graecarum Glossarum, ANQ n. s. 6 (1993), pp. 3-7.
—repr. in Anglo-Saxon Glosses and Glossaries,1999, pp. 149-156. - Lendinara, P., ‘Misunderstanding a Gloss. Past and Present’, in English Far and Wide. A Festschrift for I. Koskenniemi, ed. R. Hiltunen et al. (Annales Universitatis Turkuensis. Ser. B, Tom. 197), Turku, Turun Yliopisto 1993, pp. 131-141.
—repr. in Anglo-Saxon Glosses and Glossaries,1999, pp. 87-98. - Lendinara, P., ‘Glossaries’, in The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Anglo-Saxon England, ed. M. Lapidge et al. Oxford, Blackwell, 1999, pp. 207-209; rev. vers., in The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Anglo-Saxon England in The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Anglo-Saxon England, 2nd Edition, Chichester, Wiley Blackwell, 2014, pp. 212-214.
- Lendinara, P., ‘The Old English Renderings of Latin tabernaculum and tentorium’, in Anglo-Saxonica. Beiträge zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte der englischen Sprache und zur altenglischen Literatur. Festschrift für H. Schabram zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. K.R. Grinda & C.-D. Wetzel, München, Fink 1993, pp. 289-325.
- Lendinara, P., ‘The Oratio de utensilibus ad domum regendam pertinentibus by Adam of Balsham’, in Anglo-Norman Studies XV, ed. M. Chibnall, Woodbridge, Boydell 1993, pp. 161-176. (ISBN 0 85115 336 4)
—repr. in Anglo-Saxon Glosses and Glossaries,1999, pp. 357-378.
—repr. in Ashgate Critical Essays on Early English Lexicography II: Middle English, ed. C. Franzen, Farnham, Ashgate, 2012; rist. Abingdon/New York, Routledge 2016, pp. 161-182. - Lendinara, P., ‘Aldhelm, occa and its Old English Glosses’, Mediaevistik 7 (1994), pp. 143-153.
—repr. in Anglo-Saxon Glosses and Glossaries,1999, pp. 99-111. - Lendinara, P., ‘L’attività glossatoria del periodo anglosassone’ (con in appendice l’ed. del Glossario alle Satire IV-VIII di Giovenale del ms. London, BL Harley 3826)’, in Les manuscrits des lexiques et glossaires de l’antiquité tardive à la fin du moyen âge. Actes du Colloque international organisé par le ‘Ettore Majorana Centre for Scientific Culture’ (Erice, 23-30 septembre 1994), ed. J. Hamesse, Louvain-la-neuve, Fédération Internationale des Instituts d’Études Médiévales 1996, pp. 615-655.
—trans. repr. in Anglo-Saxon Glosses and Glossaries,1999, pp. 289-328. - Lendinara, P., ‘Mixed Attitudes to Ovid. The Carolingian Poets and the Glossographers’, Germania Latina III, ed. L. A. J. R. Houwen e A A. MacDonald, Groningen, Forsten 1998, pp. 171-213.
- Lendinara, P., ‘Anglo-Saxon Glosses and Glossaries: An Introduction’, in Anglo-Saxon Glosses and Glossaries (Variorum Collected Studies Series CS622), Aldershot, Ashgate 1999, pp. 1-25.
- Lendinara, P., ‘Gli Scholia Vallicelliana e i primi glossari anglosassoni’, in Paolo Diacono: uno scrittore fra tradizione longobarda e rinnovamento carolingio. Atti del convegno Cividale del Friuli-Udine, 6-9 maggio 1999, ed. P. Chiesa, Udine, Forum 2000, pp. 251-278.
- Lendinara, P., ‘The Glossaries in London, BL, Cotton Cleopatra A. iii’, in Mittelalterliche volkssprachige Glossen, Internationale Fachkonferenz des Zentrums für Mittelalterstudien der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, 2. bis 4. August 1999, edd. R. Bergmann, E. Glaser & C. Moulin-Fankhänel, Heidelberg, Winter 2001, pp. 189-215.
- Lendinara, P., ‘Abbo of Saint-Germain-des-Prés’, in Sources of Anglo-Saxon Literary Culture. Vol. I, edd. F. M. Biggs et al., Kalamazoo, MI, Western Michigan University, Medieval Institute Publications 2001, pp. 15-18.
- Lendinara, P., ‘Teoria e prassi dell’attività glossatoria nel mondo germanico medievale’, in Antichità germaniche II Parte, edd. V. Dolcetti Corazza & Renato Gendre (Bibliotheca Germanica, Studi e Testi, 12), Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso 2002, pp. 3-29.
- Lendinara, P., ‘Glosse o traduzioni’, in Tradurre testi medievali: obiettivi, pubblico, strategie, edd. M. G. Cammarota e M. V. Molinari, Bergamo, Sestante 2002, pp. 249-277.
- Lendinara, P., ‘Was the Glossator a Teacher?’, Quaestio 3 (2002), pp. 1-27.
- Lendinara, P., ‘Old High German niunouga ‘lamprey’ and the glosses in a manuscript of the Quid suum virtutis’,in Entstehung des Deutschen. Festschrift für H. Tiefenbach, edd. A. Greule, E. Meineke & C. Thim-Mabrey (Jenaer Germanistiche Forschungen, 17), Heidelberg, Winter 2004, pp. 271-286.
- Lendinara, P., ‘Contextualized Lexicography’, in Latin Learning and English Lore. Studies in Anglo-Saxon Literature for Michael Lapidge, ed. K. O’Brien O’Keeffe & A. Orchard (Toronto Old English Series, 14), 2 voll., Toronto, University of Toronto Press 2005, II, pp. 108-131.
—repr. in Ashgate Critical Essays on Early English Lexicography I: Old English, ed. C. Franzen, Farnham, Ashgate, 2012, rist. Abingdon-New York, Routledge 2016, pp. 431-454. - Lendinara, P., ‘A Difficult School Text in Anglo-Saxon England: The Third Book of Abbo’s Bella Parisiacae urbis’, in Essays for J. Hill on her Sixtieth Birthday, ed. M. Swan, Leeds, School of English, University of Leeds 2006 (= Leeds Studies in English 37), pp. 321-342.
- Lendinara, P., ‘Glossari anglosassoni per argomenti: Gebrauchstexte oder nicht?’, in La Letteratura tecnico-scientifica nel Medieovo germanico Fachliteratur e Gebrauchstexte, ed. Letizia Vezzosi (Bibliotheca Germanica, Studi e Testi, 25) Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso 2009, pp. 119-144.
- Lendinara, P., ‘A Storehouse of Learned Vocabulary: The Abbo Glossaries in Anglo-Saxon England’, in Practice in Learning: The Transfer of Encyclopaedic Knowledge in the Early Middle Ages, edd. R. H. Bremmer Jr. & K. Dekker (Mediaevalia Groningana ns, Storehouses of Wholesome Learning, 2), Leuven, Peeters 2010, pp. 101-132.
- Lendinara, P., ‘Una omissione ex homoeoteleuto nei Vangeli di Lindisfarne’, in ‘Percepta rependere dona’. Miscellanea di filologia e linguistica in onore di Anna Maria Luiselli Fadda, edd. C. Bologna, M. Mocan & P. Vaciago, Firenze, Olschki 2010, pp. 163-175.
- Lendinara, P., ‘The Scholica Graecarum glossarum and Martianus Capella’, Carolingian Scholarship and Martianus Capella. Ninth-Century Commentary Traditions on ‘De nuptiis’ in Context, edd. M. Teeuwen & S. O’Sullivan (Cultural Encounters in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages 12), Brepols, Turnhout 2011, pp. 301-361.
- Lendinara, P., ‘Glossing Abbo in Latin and the Vernacular’, in Rethinking and Recontextualizing Glosses: New Perspectives in the Study of Late Anglo-Saxon Glossography, edd. P. Lendinara, L. Lazzari & C. Di Sciacca (Fédération internationale des Instituts d’études médiévales. Textes et Études du moyen âge, 54), Porto, FIDEM 2011, pp. 475-508.
- Lendinara, P., ‘Glosse in volgare e in latino nei codici anglosassoni’, in Scrivere e Leggere nell’Alto Medioevo. Spoleto, 28 aprile – 4 maggio 2011 (Settimane di Studio della Fondazione del Centro Italiano di Studi sull’Alto Medioevo, LIX), 2 voll., Spoleto, Fondazione Centro Italiano di Studi sull’Alto Medioevo 2012, pp. 945-987, discuss. pp. 989-992.
- Lendinara, P., ‘Grammatica, Glossario e Colloquio: modelli e intenti’, in Lettura di Ælfric, edd. V. Dolcetti Corazza & R. Gendre (Bibliotheca Germanica, Studi e Testi, 30), Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso 2012, pp. 83-124.
- Lendinara, P., ‘Glossing the Old Frisian Psalter: Pragmatics and Competence’, in Directions for Old Frisian Philology (= Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 73), edd. R. H. Bremmer Jr., S. Laker & O. Vries, Amsterdam/New York, Rodopi 2014, pp. 302-327.
- Lendinara, P., ‘“Testudo se þe hæfð hus”: la ‘portacasa’ di Ælfric’, Studi in onore Vittoria Dolcetti Corazza, edd. C. Falluomini & R. Rosselli Del Turco, Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso 2015, pp. 111-129.
- Lendinara, P., ‘The Glossary in ms. Cambridge, St John’s College E.17 and Middle English Lexicography’, Filologia Germanica-Germanic Philology 7 (2015), pp. 89-140.
- Lendinara, P., ‘The Unglossed Words of the Lindisfarne Glosses’, in The Old English Glosses to the Lindisfarne Gospels: Language, Author and Context, edd. J. Fernández Cuesta & S. M. Pons-Sanz (Buchreihe der Anglia / Anglia Book Series 51), Berlin/Boston, de Gruyter 2016, pp. 329-359.
- Lendinara, P., ‘The Scholica Graecarum glossarum and Scaliger’s “Liber glossarum ex variis glossariis collectus”’, in The Transfer of Encyclopaedic Knowledge in the Early Middle Ages. Fruits of Learning, edd. R. H. Bremmer Jr. & K. Dekker (Storehouses of Wholesome Learning 4, Mediaevalia Groningana ns) Paris, Leuven and Dudley, MA, Peeters 2016, pp. 351-396.
- Lendinara, P., ‘The Relevance of Old English Glosses and Glossaries for the History of the English Language’, in From Glosses to Dictionaries: The Beginnings of Lexicography, edd. C. Benati & C. Händl, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 2019, pp. 73-102.
- Lendinara, P., ‘Minimal Collections of Glosses: the Twelve Rooms of Thomas’ Palace’, in Anglo-Saxon Micro-Texts, edd. U. Lenker & L. Kornexl (Buchreihe der Anglia / Anglia Book Series, 67), Berlin/Boston, de Gruyter, 2019, pp. 175-201.
- Lendinara, P., ‘Of rose hips and rose bushes: Middle English schūpe and the first occurrence of the by-forms of English hip’, Medioevo Europeo 3/1 (2019), pp. 19-39.
- Lendinara, P., ‘Anglo-Saxon Glosses and Grammar’, in The Oxford Handbook of Latin Palaeography, edd. F. Coulson & R. Babcock, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020, pp. 943-956.
- Lendinara, P., ‘On the Trail of Bibbesworth’, in Current Issues in Medieval England, ed. L. Vezzosi, Berlin: Peter Lang, 2021 (Studies in English Medieval Language and Literature, 59), pp. 59-85.
- Lendinara, P., ‘Tra Romanum e Gallicanum: le glosse al Salterio di Salisbury’, in Studi di filologia, linguistica e letteratura in onore di A. Maria Guerrieri, edd. F. De Vivo, M. R. Digilio, C. Riviello & R. Tinaburri, Firenze, SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2021, pp. 181-199.
Martín-Contreras, Elvira
- Martín-Contreras, E., Masora. La transmisión de la tradición (Navarra: ed. Verbo Divino, 2010) (with G. Seijas de los Ríos).
Articles and papers
- Martín-Contreras, E.,“The Marginal Nun in the Masora of the Cairo Codex of the Prophets: Use and Function,” Vetus Testamentum 65:1 (2014): 81-90.
- Martín-Contreras, E.,“The Image at the Service of the Text: Figured Masorah in the Biblical Hebrew Manuscript BH Mss1,” Sefarad 76 (2016) 55-74.
- Martín-Contreras, E.,“Exploring Hebrew Carpet Pages through their Texts,” Sefarad 80 (2020): 7-24.
- Martín-Contreras, E.,“Annotations in the Earliest Medieval Hebrew Bible Manuscripts” in George A. Kiraz and Sabine Schmidtke (eds.), Scribal Habits in Near Eastern Manuscript Traditions (Gorgias Press, 2021): 167-188.
- Martín-Contreras, E.,“Multiple Hands in the Marginal Annotations of the Hebrew Bible Codex Madrid M1 (BH Mss1)” Manuscript Studies (forthcoming, Spring 2022).
Moran, Pádraic
- Pádraic Moran, De Origine Scoticae Linguae (O’Mulconry’s Glossary): An early Irish linguistic tract, edited with a related glossary, Irsan, Corpus Christianorum, Lexica Latina Medii Aevi 7 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2019). 592 pp. ISBN: 978-2-503-58179-8.
Digital editions
- Manuscripts with Irish Associations (MIrA) <> (2021).
- with Bernhard Bauer, Rijcklof Hofman, St Gall Priscian Glosses <> (2010, rev. 2017).
- with Sharon Arbuthnot & Paul Russell, Early Irish Glossaries Database <> (2006, rev. 2009, 2017).
- ‘Hebrew in early Irish glossaries’, Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 60 (Winter 2010), 1–21.
- ‘A living speech? The pronunciation of Greek in early medieval Ireland’, Ériu 61 (2011), 29–57.
- ‘Greek in early medieval Ireland’, in Alex Mullen & Patrick James (eds), Multilingualism in the Graeco-Roman Worlds (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012), pp 172–92.
- ‘Greek dialectology and the Irish origin story’, in P. Moran & I. Warntjes (eds), Early Medieval Ireland and Europe: Chronology, Contacts, Scholarship. Festschrift for Dáibhí Ó Cróinín, Studia Traditionis Theologiae 14 (Turnhout: Brepols 2015), pp 481–512.
- ‘Language interaction in the St Gall Priscian glosses’, Peritia 26 (2015), 113–42.
- ‘Irish vernacular origin stories: language, literacy, literature’, in Norbert Kössinger, Elke Krotz, Stephan Müller & Pavlína Rychterová (eds), Anfangsgeschichten / Origin Stories. Der Beginn volkssprachiger Schriftlichkeit in komparatistischer Perspektive / The Rise of Vernacular Literacy in a Comparative Perspective, MittelalterStudien 31 (Munich: Fink, 2018), pp 259–273.
- ‘Comparative linguistics in seventh-century Ireland: De origine scoticae linguae’, in Language & History 63/1 (2020), 3–23.
- with John Whitman, ‘Glossing and reading and in western Europe and East Asia: a comparative case study’, Speculum 97 (2022), 112–139.
- ‘Latin grammar crossing multilingual zones: St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904’, in Michael Clarke & Máire Ní Mhaonaigh (eds), Medieval Multilingual Manuscripts: Case Studies from Ireland to Japan, Studies in Manuscript Cultures 24. (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022), pp 35–54. [Open access]
- (in press) ‘A revised typology for the St Gall Priscian glosses’, in Franck Cinato, Aimée Lahaussois and John Whitman (eds), Glossing Practice: Past and Present, West & East (Lanham: Lexington Books, forthcoming).
Moulin, Claudine
- Moulin, Claudine: Würzburger Althochdeutsch. Studien zur Bibeltextglossierung, Habilitationsschrift Bamberg 1999, 658 S.
- Bergmann, Rolf / Elvira Glaser & Claudine Moulin (ed.): Mittelalterliche volkssprachige Glossen. Internationale Fachkonferenz des Zentrums für Mittelalterstudien der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, 2. – 4. August 1999, Heidelberg 2001.
- Embach, Michael / Claudine Moulin (ed.): Die Bibliothek der Abtei St. Matthias in Trier – von der mittelalterlichen Schreibstube zum virtuellen Skriptorium: Mit einem Verzeichnis der Mattheiser Urkunden im Stadtarchiv Trier, Trier 2013.
- Embach, Michael / Claudine Moulin / Harald Wolter-von dem Knesebeck (ed.): Die Handschriften der Hofschule Kaiser Karls des Großen. Individuelle Gestalt und europäisches Kulturerbe, Trier 2019.
- Sabine Griese, Claudine Moulin (Hg.), Verweiskulturen im Mittelalter. Wolfenbüttel 2022
Articles and papers
- Glaser, Elvira / Claudine Moulin: “Die althochdeutsche Überlieferung in Echternacher Handschriften”, in: Michele Camillo Ferrari/ Jean Schroeder/ Henri Trauffler (ed.): Die Abtei Echternach 698-1998, Luxembourg 1999, 103-122.
- Moulin, Claudine: “Glossieren an einem Ort. Zur althochdeutschen Glossenüberlieferung der ehemaligen Dombibliothek Würzburg”, in: Rolf Bergmann/ Elvira Glaser/ Claudine Moulin (ed.): Mittelalterliche volkssprachige Glossen. Internationale Fachkonferenz des Zentrums für Mittelalterstudien der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, 2. – 4. August 1999, Heidelberg 2001, 353-376.
- Moulin, Claudine: “Work in progress. Zu einem Würzburger Bibelglossar (Würzburg, UB. M. p. th. f. 3)”, in: Albrecht Greule/ Eckhard Meineke/ Christiane Thim-Mabrey (ed.): Entstehung des Deutschen. Festschrift für Heinrich Tiefenbach, Heidelberg 2004, 303-354.
- Klaes, Falko / Claudine Moulin: “Wissensraum Glossen: Zur Erschließung der althochdeutschen Glossen zu Hrabanus Maurus”, in: Archa Verbi 4 (2007) 68-89.
- Moulin, Claudine: “Paratextuelle Netzwerke: Kulturwissenschaftliche Erschließung und soziale Dimensionen der althochdeutschen Glossenüberlieferung”, in: Gerhard Krieger (ed.): Verwandtschaft, Freundschaft, Bruderschaft. Soziale Lebens- und Kommunikationsformen im Mittelalter, Berlin 2009, 56-77.
- Moulin, Claudine: “Würzburger Glossenhandschriften”, in: Rolf Bergmann/ Stefanie Stricker (ed.): Die althochdeutsche und altsächsische Glossographie. Ein Handbuch, II, Berlin – New York 2009, 1318-1332.
- Moulin, Claudine: “Froumund von Tegernsee als Glossator”, in: Rolf Bergmann/ Stefanie Stricker (ed.): Die althochdeutsche und altsächsische Glossographie. Ein Handbuch, II, Berlin – NewYork 2009, 1611-1619.
- Glaser, Elvira / Claudine Moulin: “Echternacher Glossenhandschriften”, in: Rolf Bergmann/ Stefanie Stricker (ed.): Die althochdeutsche und altsächsische Glossographie. Ein Handbuch, II, Berlin – New York 2009, 1257-1278.
- Klaes, Falko / Claudine Moulin: “Glossierungen zu Hrabanus Maurus und Walahfrid Strabo”, in: Rolf Bergmann/ Stefanie Stricker (ed.): Die althochdeutsche und altsächsische Glossographie. Ein Handbuch, I, Berlin – New York 2009, 562-591.
- Bergmann, Rolf / Claudine Moulin: “Flexionsmorphologie”, in: Rolf Bergmann/ Stefanie Stricker (ed.): Die althochdeutsche und altsächsische Glossographie. Ein Handbuch, II, Berlin – New York 2009, 1020-1029.
- Moulin, Claudine: “Farsahhan sih selban imu …, lihhamun hreinnan … Alles nur Worte? Askese in Scriptorium und Bibliothek”, in: Gerhard Krieger/ Gottfried Kerscher (ed.): Askese im Mittelalter. Beiträge zu ihrer Praxis, Deutung und Wirkungsgeschichte, Das Mittelalter 15 (2010) Heft 1, 15-37.
- Moulin, Claudine: “Am Rande der Blätter. Gebrauchsspuren, Glossen und Annotationen in Handschriften und Büchern aus kulturhistorischer Perspektive”, in: Autorenbibliotheken, Bibliothèques d’auteurs, Biblioteche d’autore, Bibliotecas d’autur, Quarto. Zeitschrift des Schweizerischen Literaturarchivs 30/31 (2010) 19-26.
- Moulin, Claudine: “Vom mittelalterlichen Griffel zum Computer-Tagging. Zur sprach- und kulturgeschichtlichen Bedeutung der Annotation”, in: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz. Jahrbuch 2010 (61. Jahrgang), 84-89.
- Moulin, Claudine: “Sich einschreiben. Spielarten des Vernakularen als biographische Indikatoren mittelalterlicher Codices”, in: Ulrike Gleixner/ Constanze Baum/ Jörn Münkner, Hole Rößler (ed.): Biographien des Buches, Göttingen 2017, 88-112.
- Moulin, Claudine: “Rand und Band – Über das Spurenlesen in Handschrift und Druck”, in: Patrizia Carmassi/ Christian Heitzmann (ed.): Marginalien in Bild und Text. Essays zu mittelalterlichen Handschriften, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2019, 19-59.
- Moulin, Claudine: “Glossieren – kulturhistorische und mediale Kontexte”, In: Rolf Bergmann / Stefanie Stricker, Stefanie (ed.): Glossenstudien. Ergebnisse der neuen Forschun, Heidelberg 2020, 337-347.
- Moulin, Claudine: “Verhüllen und Zeigen. Strategien der paratextuellen‚ Anderssichtbarkeit‘ in mittelalterlichen Handschriften”, in: Stephan Conermann/ Harald Wolter-von dem Knesebeck/ Miriam Quiering (ed.): Geheimnis und Verborgenes im Mittelalter. Funktion, Wirkung und Spannungsfelder von okkultem Wissen, verborgenen Räumen und magischen Gegenständen, Berlin / Boston 2021, 283-301.
- Griese, Sabine / Claudine Moulin: “Verweiskulturen – eine Einleitung”, in: Sabine Griese / Claudine Moulin (ed.): Verweiskulturen im Mittelalter, Wolfenbüttel 2022, 7-21.
- Moulin, Claudine: “Mise en graphie, mise en page, mise en espace : formes idéales de la culture écrite médiévale”, in: Sabine Frommel / Ulrich Pfisterer (ed.), Formes Idéales (forthcoming)
Nievergelt, Andreas
- Andreas Nievergelt, Die Glossierung der Handschrift Clm 18547b. Ein Beitrag zur Funktionalität der mittelalterlichen Griffelglossierung, Heidelberg 2007.
- Andreas Nievergelt, Althochdeutsch in Runenschrift. Geheimschriftliche volkssprachige Griffelglossen, 2., aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage, Beiheft ZfdA. 11, Stuttgart 2019.
- Oliver Ernst – Andreas Nievergelt – Markus Schiegg, Althochdeutsche Griffel-, Feder- und Farbstiftglossen aus Freising. Clm 6293, Clm 6308, Clm 6383, Clm 21525, Berlin / Boston 2019.
Articles and papers
- Andreas Nievergelt, “Methodische Überlegungen zur Unterscheidung von Schreiberhänden bei Glosseneintragungen“, in: La collaboration dans la production de l’écrit médiéval, actes du XIIIe colloque du Comité international de paléographie latine (Weingarten 22-25 septembre 2000), réunis par Herrad Spilling, Paris 2003 (Matériaux pour l’histoire publiés par l’École des chartes, 4), S. 359-367.
- Andreas Nievergelt, “Eine frühe slavische Griffelglosse I: Kodikologischer und paläographischer Rahmen”, in: Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 30 (2003), S. 241-267.
- Andreas Nievergelt – Jos Schaeken, “Eine frühe slavische Griffelglosse II: Sprachliche Untersuchung”, in: Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 30 (2003), S. 269-278.
- Andreas Nievergelt, “Rekurrenz in den althochdeutschen Glossen”, in: Yvon Desportes, Franz Simmler, Claudia Wich-Reif (Hrsg.), Die Formen der Wiederaufnahme im älteren Deutsch. Akten zum Internationalen Kongress an der Université Paris Sorbonne (Paris IV) 8. bis 10. Juni 2006, Berliner Sprachwissenschaftliche Studien Bd. 10, Berlin 2008, S. 117-140.
- Andreas Nievergelt, “Relativpronomen in den althochdeutschen Glossen”, in: Historische Syntax und Semantik vom Althochdeutschen bis zum Neuhochdeutschen. Festschrift für Yvon Desportes zum 60. Geburtstag, hg. von Michel Lefèvre und Franz Simmler, Berliner Sprachwissenschaftliche Studien 14, Berlin 2008, S. 75-97.
- Andreas Nievergelt, “Farbstiftglossen (Rötel-, Braun- und Schwarzstiftglossen)”, in: Bergmann, Rolf – Stricker, Stefanie (Hrsg.): Die althochdeutsche und altsächsische Glossographie, Ein Handbuch, Band I, Berlin, New York 2009, S. 230-239.
- Andreas Nievergelt, “Geheimschriftliche Glossen”, in: Bergmann, Rolf – Stricker, Stefanie (Hrsg.): Die althochdeutsche und altsächsische Glossographie, Ein Handbuch, Band I, Berlin, New York 2009, S. 240-268.
- Andreas Nievergelt, “Glossenschrift”, in: Bergmann, Rolf – Stricker, Stefanie (Hrsg.): Die althochdeutsche und altsächsische Glossographie, Ein Handbuch, Band I, Berlin, New York 2009, S. 269-281.
- Andreas Nievergelt, “Tegernseer Glossenhandschriften”, in: Bergmann, Rolf – Stricker, Stefanie (Hrsg.): Die althochdeutsche und altsächsische Glossographie, Ein Handbuch, Band II, Berlin, New York 2009, S. 1384-1416.
- Andreas Nievergelt, “St. Galler Glossenhandschriften”, in: Bergmann, Rolf – Stricker, Stefanie (Hrsg.): Die althochdeutsche und altsächsische Glossographie, Ein Handbuch, Band II, Berlin, New York 2009, S. 1462-1521.
- Elvira Glaser – Andreas Nievergelt, “Griffelglossen”. in: Bergmann, Rolf – Stricker, Stefanie (Hrsg.): Die althochdeutsche und altsächsische Glossographie, Ein Handbuch, Band I, Berlin, New York 2009, S. 202-229.
- Andreas Nievergelt, Irrgänger, “Teufelskinder und unkeusche Spiele. Althochdeutsche Griffelglossen zu Isidor von Sevilla “De ecclesiasticis officiis” (1)”, in: ZfdPh. 128. Band 2009 Drittes Heft, S. 321-345.
- Andreas Nievergelt, “Pfiff und Gesang. Althochdeutsche Griffelglossen zu Isidor von Sevilla “De ecclesiasticis officiis” (2)”, in: ZfdPh. 129. Band (2010), S. 1-48.
- Andreas Nievergelt, “Zur gegenwärtigen Quellen- und Editionslage der althochdeutschen Glossen”, in: Sprachwissenschaft 36. Band (2011), Heft 4, S. 307-358.
- Andreas Nievergelt, “Additamenta ioculatorum. Volkssprachige und lateinische Sekundäreintragungen in der Handschrift Budapest, OSZK Cod. Lat. 4”, in: Anna Boreczky, András Németh (Hrsg.), Apollonius pictus. An Illustrated Late Antique Romance around 1000. Egy illusztrált késö antik regény 1000 körül, Facsimile Edition of the Historia Apollonii Regis Tyri. A Historia Apollonii regis Tyri hasonmás kiadása (Országos Széchényi Könyvtár, Cod. Lat. 4), Budapest 2011, S. 99-124.
- Andreas Nievergelt, “Nachträge zu den althochdeutschen Glossen (2012)”, in: Sprachwissenschaft 37. Band (2012), Heft 4, S. 375-421.
- Andreas Nievergelt, “Isidor von Sevilla, Althochdeutsche Glossierung”, in: Rolf Bergmann (Hg.), Althochdeutsche und altsächsische Literatur, Berlin / Boston 2013, S. 195-203.
- Andreas Nievergelt, “Orosius, Althochdeutsche Glossierung”, in: Rolf Bergmann (Hg.), Althochdeutsche und altsächsische Literatur, Berlin / Boston 2013, S. 315-322.
- Andreas Nievergelt, “Sie wussten auch ohne Dinte zu schreiben und zu zeichnen” – Griffeleintragungen in St. Galler Handschriften”, in: Franziska Schnoor, Karl Schmuki, Silvio Frigg (Hg.), Schaukasten Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen, Abschiedsgabe für Stiftsbibliothekar Ernst Tremp, St. Gallen 2013, S. 58-65.
- Andreas Nievergelt, “Nachträge zu den althochdeutschen Glossen (2013)”, in: Sprachwissenschaft 38. Band (2013), Heft 4, S. 383-425.
- Andreas Nievergelt – Chris de Wulf, “De griffelglossen in het handschrift Parijs, BnF lat. 9389”, in: Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 74 (2015), S. 76-109.
- Andreas Nievergelt, “Nachträge zu den althochdeutschen und altsächsischen Glossen (2014/15)”, Sprachwissenschaft 40. Band (2015), Heft 3, S. 289-340.
- Andreas Nievergelt – Elvira Glaser, “Hapax legomena in den althochdeutschen Griffelglossen”, in: Sergio Neri, Roland Schuhmann, Susanne Zeilfelder (Hgg.), “dat ih dir it nu bi huldi gibu”, Linguistische, germanistische und indogermanistische Studien, Rosemarie Lühr gewidmet, Wiesbaden 2016, S. 317-333.
- Fernanda Cirimele – Andreas Nievergelt, “Nuove glosse in antico alto tedesco alla Regula pastoralis nei manoscritti di San Gallo”, in: Associazione Italiana di Filologia Germanica (Hg.), Altotedesco Antico e Protomedio (VIII-XII sec.), Filologia Germanica – Germanic Philology vol. 8 (2016), S. 49-100.
- Andreas Nievergelt, “Kürzungen im Althochdeutschen”, in: Paola Cotticelli-Kurras, Alfredo Rizza (Hrsg.), Variation within and among Writing Systems. Concepts and Methods in the Analysis of Ancient Written Documents, LautSchriftSprache (LSS1), Wiesbaden 2016, S. 223-243.
- Andreas Nievergelt, “Nachträge zu den althochdeutschen und altsächsischen Glossen (2015/16)”, Sprachwissenschaft 42. Band (2017), Heft 2, S. 121-176.
- Andreas Nievergelt, “Glossen aus einem einzigen Buchstaben”, in: Teeuwen, Mariken & van Renswoude, Irene (hg.), The Annotated Book in the Early Middle Ages : Practices of Reading and Writing, Brepols 2017, S. 285-304.
- Helmut Gneuss – Andreas Nievergelt, “The Old English dry-point glosses in Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, lat. 9561”, in: Studies on Late Antique and Medieval Germanic Glossography and Lexicography in Honour of Patrizia Lendinara, edited by Claudia Di Sciacca, Concetta Giliberto, Carmela Rizzo and Loredana Teresi, Pisa 2018, S. 351-376.
- Andreas Nievergelt, “Nachträge zu den althochdeutschen und altsächsischen Glossen (2017-2019)”, in: Sprachwissenschaft, 44. Band (2019), Heft 3, S. 331-361.
- Andreas Nievergelt, “The Old English Dry-Point Glosses”, in: Ursula Lenker & Lucia Kornexl (Hg.), Anglo-Saxon Micro-Texts, ANGLIA Book Series 67, Berlin/Boston 2019, S. 161-173.
- Andreas Nievergelt – Claudia Wich-Reif, “Ermittlung, Edition und Auswertung der althochdeutschen und altsächsischen Griffelglossen”, in: Rolf Bergmann – Stefanie Stricker (Hrsg.), Glossenstudien. Ergebnisse der neuen Forschung, Heidelberg 2020, S. 87-97.
- Andreas Nievergelt, “Was sind eigentlich Federproben?”, in: Rolf Bergmann – Stefanie Stricker (Hrsg.), Glossenstudien. Ergebnisse der neuen Forschung, Heidelberg 2020, S.127-153.
- Oliver Ernst – Elvira Glaser – Andreas Nievergelt, “Neues zu Freisinger Glossenhandschriften”, in: Rolf Bergmann – Stefanie Stricker (Hrsg.), Glossenstudien. Ergebnisse der neuen Forschung, Heidelberg 2020, S. 229-280.
- Andreas Nievergelt, “Die Glossierungsorte St. Gallen und Reichenau im Licht der neuen Forschung”, in: Rolf Bergmann – Stefanie Stricker (Hrsg.), Glossenstudien. Ergebnisse der neuen Forschung, Heidelberg 2020, S. 281-306.
- Andreas Nievergelt, “Die grammatischen althochdeutschen Glossen”, in: Bettina Bock – Cassandra Freiberg (Hrsg.), Indica & Germanica – Beiträge zur Indogermanistik gestern und heute in Jena, (Sprache und Sprachen in Forschung und Anwendung [SiFA] 11), Hamburg 2021, S. 93-112.
- Andreas Nievergelt, “Althochdeutsche Glossen zu kirchenrechtlichen Schriften. Die Handschriften St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek 675 und 682”, in: Stefan Höfler – Kevin Müller (Hrsg.), Rechtsetzung als Textkonstitution. Sprachwissenschaftliche Zugänge zu modernen und historischen Rechtsquellen, Zürich / St. Gallen 2021, S. 243-276.
- Schuhmann, Roland – Nievergelt, Andreas, “Bemerkungen zu Gl. 2,703,40 ‘sichinzUGU’ und weiteren, auch neugefundenen Glossen in Paris, BnF lat. 9344”, in: Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 81 (2021), S. 4-15.
- Andreas Nievergelt, “Das älteste Alemannisch und die St. Galler Griffelglossen”, in: Cornel Dora, Andreas Nievergelt (Hgg.), Fenster zu Ewigkeit. Die ältesten Bibliotheken der Welt, Bibliothek und Wissenschaft 54, Wiesbaden 2021, S. 137-151.
O’Sullivan, Sinéad
- Mariken Teeuwen and Sinead O’Sullivan (eds), Carolingian Scholarship and Martianus Capella: Ninth-Century Commentary Traditions on ‘De nuptiis’ in Context (Turnhout: Brepols, 2011), 393pp
- Glossae aeui Carolini in libros I-II Martiani Capellae “De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii”, Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis 237 (Turnhout, Brepols, 2010), 648pp
- Early medieval glosses on Prudentius’ Psychomachia: The Weitz tradition, Mittellateinische Studien und Texte 31 (Leiden, Brill, 2004), 415pp
Articles and papers
- “The practice of ‘alignment’ in medieval Ireland,” in Litterarum Dulces Fructus: Studies in Early Medieval Latin Culture in Honour of Michael W. Herren for his 80th Birthday, edited by Scott G. Bruce, Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia 85 (Turnhout, 2021) 355-384.
- ‘Transmission of Texts,’ in Handbook of Stemmatology: History, Methodology, Digital Approaches, ed. Philipp Roelli (Berlin, 2020), 15-24.
- ‘Isidore in the Carolingian and Ottonian worlds: Encyclopaedism and etymology, ca. 800-1050,’ in A Companion to Isidore of Seville, ed. Andrew Fear and Jamie Wood, Brill’s Companions to the Christian Tradition 87 (Brill: Leiden, 2020), 524-568.
- ‘From Troy to Aachen: Ancient Rome and the Carolingian Reception of Vergil,’ in Inscribing knowledge in the medieval book: The power of paratexts, ed. Rosalind Brown-Grant et al. (Berlin, 2019), 185-196.
- ‘Scholia non serviana, Lactantius Placidus, the Vatican Mythographers and mythological lore: A case study of Montpellier, Bibliothèque interuniversitaire, Section médecine, H 253′, Archivum latinitatis medii aevi 76 (2018), 155-188.
- ‘Glossing Vergil in the early medieval West: a case study of Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, Cod. Guelf. 70 Gud. lat.,’ in Studies on Late Antique and Medieval Germanic Glossography and Lexicography in Honour of Patrizia Lendinara, ed. Claudia Di Sciacca, Concetta Giliberto, Carmela Rizzo and Loredana Teresi (Pisa, 2018), 547-64.
- ‘Glossing Vergil and pagan learning in the Carolingian Age,’ Speculum 93/1 (2018), 132-65.
- ‘Reading and the lemma in early medieval textual culture,’ in The annotated book in the early Middle Ages: Practices of reading and writing, Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy 38, ed. Mariken Teeuwen and Irene van Renswoude (Brepols, 2017), pp. 371-396.
- ‘Text, gloss, and tradition in the early medieval West: Expanding into a world of learning,’ in Teaching and Learning in Medieval Europe: Essays in Honour of Gernot R. Wieland, ed. Greti Dinkova-Bruun and Tristan Major, Publications of the Journal of Medieval Latin 11 (Brepols, 2017), pp. 3-24.
- ‘Servius in the Carolingian Age: A Case Study of British Library, Harley 2782,’ The Journal of Medieval Latin 26 (2016), 77-123.
- ‘Martianus Capella: Addenda’, in Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum: Mediaeval and Renaissance Latin Translations and Commentaries vol. 11, ed. Greti Dinkova-Bruun, Julia Haig Gaisser and James Hankins (Toronto, 2016), 383-400.
- ‘Problems in Editing Glosses: A Case Study of Carolingian Glosses on Martianus Capella’, in The Arts of Editing Medieval Greek and Latin: A Casebook, ed. Elisabet Göransson, Gunilla Iversen, Barbara Crostini, Brian M. Jensen, Erika Kihlman, Eva Odelman, and Denis Searby, Studies and Texts 203 (Toronto, 2016), 290-311.
- Co-authored paper with Mariken Teeuwen: ‘The harvest of ancient learning: healthy fruits or rotten apples?’ in Fruits of Learning: The Transfer of Encyclopaedic Knowledge in the Early Middle Ages, ed. R. H. Bremmer Jr and K. Dekker, Medievalia Groningana New Series 21 (Leuven, 2016), 303-20.
- ‘The oldest gloss tradition on Martianus Capella’s De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii: its form, character and routes of tranmission’ in Clerics, kings and Viking:essays on medieval Ireland in honor of Donnchadh Ó Corráin, ed. E. Purcell, P. MacCotter, J. Nyhan & J. Sheehan (Dublin, 2015), pp. 389-98
- ‘The sacred and the obscure: Greek in the Carolingian reception of Martianus Capella’, The Journal of Medieval Latin 22 (2012), pp. 67-94
- ‘The Corpus Martianus Capella: Continental Gloss Traditions on De Nuptiis in Wales and Anglo-Saxon England’, Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 62 (Winter 2011), pp. 33-56.
- ‘Martianus Capella and the Carolingians: Some observations based on the glosses on books I-II from the oldest gloss tradition’, in E. Mullins, D. Scully (eds), Listen, O Isles, unto me: Studies in Medieval Word and Image in honour of Jennifer O’Reilly (Cork, 2010).
- ‘Obscurity, pagan lore and secrecy in glosses to Books I-II from the oldest gloss tradition’, in Carolingian scholarship and Martianus Capella (see above), pp. 99-121
Stam, Nike
- Stam, Nike. 2017. A Typology of Code-Switching in the Commentary to the Félire Óengusso (Utrecht: LOT Publications)
- Horst, Tom ter, and Nike Stam. 2018. ‘Visual Diamorphs: The Importance of Language Neutrality in Code-Switching from Medieval Ireland’, in Multilingual Practices in Language History: English and Beyond, Language Contact and Bilingualism, ed. by Päivi Pahta, Janne Skaffari, and Laura Wright (Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton), xv, pp. 223–42
- Stam, Nike. 2018. ‘Strategy of Accident: Code-Switching in the Commentary to the Félire Óengusso’, in Code-Switching in Medieval Ireland and England, Münchener Forschungen Zur Historischen Sprachwissenschaft, ed. by Mícheál Ó Flaithearta (Bremen: Hempen Verlag), xviii, pp. 71–94
- Stam, Nike. 2020. ‘“Hij Die Niet Leest Is Een Dweil”: Nieuw Licht Op de Commentaartraditie van de Félire Óengusso’, Kelten, pp. 4–10 <>
- Stam, Nike. 2021. ‘Between Innovation and Tradition: Code-Switching in the Transmission of the Commentary to the Félire Óengusso’, Medieval Worlds, 14: 120–46 <>
- Stam, Nike. 2021. ‘Two Notes on Céile Críst from the Commentary to the Félire Óengusso’, forthcoming Ériu.
Steinová, Evina
- Steinová, E., Notam superponere studui: the use of annotation symbols in the early Middle Ages, Bibliologia 52. Turnhout, 2019.
- Steinová, E., and P. Boot. The Glosses to the First Book of the Etymologiae of Isidore of Seville: a digital scholarly edition, hosted by Huygens ING, KNAW, published in 2021.
- Steinová, E., ‘The glosses to the first book of the Etymologiae of Isidore of Seville: raw data’, published on Zenodo, 01-09-2021.
Articles and papers
- Steinová, E., ‘Psalmos, notas, cantus: the meanings of nota in the Carolingian period’. Speculum 90:2 (2015), 424-457.
- Steinová, E., ‘Technical signs in Early Manuscripts Copied in Irish Minuscule’, in The Annotated Book in the Early Middle Ages: Practices of Reading and Writing, edited by Mariken Teeuwen and Irene van Renswoude, Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy 38. Turnhout, 2017, 37-85.
- Steinová, E., ‘The rise of the quotation sign in the Latin West and the changing modes of reading between the sixth and the ninth centuries’ Scriptorium 72:2 (2018), 123-166.
- Steinová, E., ‘The Annotated Gottschalk: Critical Signs and Control of Heterodoxy in the Carolingian Age’, in La controverse carolingienne sur la prédestination. Histoire, textes, manuscrits, edited by Pierre Chambert-Protat, Jérémy Delmulle, Warren Pezé and Jeremy C. Thompson, Haut Moyen Âge 32. Turnhout, 2018, 249-78.
- Steinová, E., ‘Nota and Require: The Oldest Western Annotation Symbols and Their Dissemination in the Early Middle Ages’, in Scribes and the Presentation of Texts (from Antiquity to c. 1550). Proceedings of the 20th Colloquium of the Comité international de paléographie latine, edited by Barbara A. Shailor and Consuelo Dutschke, Bibliologia 65, Turnhout, 2021, 473-489.
- Steinová, E., ‘Two Carolingian Redactions of the Etymologiae from St. Gallen’, Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 56:2 (2021), 298-376.
- Steinová, E., ‘Annotation of the Etymologiae of Isidore of Seville in Its Early Medieval Context’, Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi 78 (2022), 5-81.
- Steinová, E., and P. Boot. ‘Editing Glosses as Networks: Exploring the Explorative Edition’, in Companion: Dialogues on Digital Editing Methods, edited by Elli Bleeker, Marijke van Faassen, Rik Hoekstra, and Marijn Koolen (forthcoming in 2022).
- Steinová, E., ‘Early Medieval Citation Culture in Palaeographic Evidence: The Quotation Tags in Gregory the Great’s Regula Pastoralis’, in Zitatkulturen, edited by Carmen Cardelle de Hartmann and Martina Giese (forthcoming in 2022).
Teeuwen, Mariken
- Teeuwen, M., 2002. Harmony and the Music of the Spheres. The Ars Musica in Ninth-Century Commentaries on Martianus Capella, Mittellateinische Studien und Texte 30. Leiden.
- Teeuwen, M. & S. O’Sullivan (eds), 2011. Carolingian Scholarship and Martianus Capella: Ninth-Century Commentary Traditions on ‘De nuptiis’ in Context, Cultural Encounters in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages 12, Turnhout.
- Teeuwen, M. & I. van Renswoude (eds), 2017. The Annotated Book in the Early Middle Ages: Practices of Reading and Writing, Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy, Turnhout.
- Teeuwen, M. et al. (eds), 2008. Carolingian Scholarship and Martianus Capella: The Oldest Commentary Tradition.
- Teeuwen, M., E. Steinova and I. van Renswoude, 2016. Database Marginal Scholarship, Huygens ING, KNAW.
- Teeuwen, M., I. van Renswoude, I. O’Daly, R. Schilling, 2020. The Art of Reasoning in Medieval Manuscripts.
Articles and Papers
- Teeuwen, M., 2007. ‘Martianus Capella’s De nuptiis: a pagan “Storehouse” first discovered by the Irish?’, in R. H. Bremmer & K. Dekker (eds), Foundations of Learning: The Transfer of Encyclopaedic Knowledge in the Early Middle Ages. Paris, pp. 51–62.
- Teeuwen, M., 2008. ‘The pursuit of secular learning: the oldest commentary tradition on Martianus Capella’, The Journal of Medieval Latin 18, pp. 36–51.
- Teeuwen, M., 2009. ‘Glossing in close co-operation: examples from ninth-century Martianus Capella’, in R. H. Bremmer, & K. Dekker (eds), Practice in Learning: The Transfer of Encyclopaedic Knowledge in the Early Middle Ages, Mediaevalia Groningana New Series 16. Paris, pp. 85–100.
- Teeuwen, M., 2011a. ‘Writing between the lines: reflections of scholarly debate in a Carolingian commentary tradition’, in Teeuwen & O’Sullivan 2011, pp. 11–34.
- Teeuwen, M., 2011b. ‘Marginal scholarship: rethinking the function of Latin glosses in early medieval manuscripts’, in P. Lendinara & L. Lazzari (eds), Rethinking and Recontextualizing Glosses. New Perspectives in the Study of Late Anglo-Saxon Glossography, Textes et Etudes du Moyen Âge 54. Turnhout, pp. 19–37.
- Teeuwen, M., 2012. ‘The digital edition: new possibilities and challenges’, Apocrypha 23, pp. 155–168.
- Teeuwen, M., 2014. ‘“The master has it wrong.” Dissenting voices in commentary texts’, in E. d’Angelo & J. Ziolkowski (eds), Auctor et auctoritas in latinis medii aevi litteris = Author and Authorship in Medieval Latin Literature—Proceedings of the VIth Congress of the International Medieval Latin Committee. Florence, pp. 1098–1108.
- Teeuwen, M., 2015. ‘Carolingian scholarship on Classical authors: practices of reading and writing’, in E. Kwakkel (eds), Manuscripts of the Latin Classics. Leiden, pp. 23–52.
- Teeuwen, M., 2016. ‘Three annotated letter manuscripts. Scholarly practices of religious Franks in the margin unveiled’, in R. Meens, D. van Espelo, B. van den Hoven van Genderen, J. Raaijmakers, I. van Renswoude (eds), Religious Franks. Religion and power in the Frankish Kingdoms: studies in honour of Mayke de Jong, Manchester, pp. 221-240.
- Teeuwen, M., 2016. ‘Writing in the blank space of manuscripts—evidence from the ninth century’, in B. Crostini, G. Iversen & B. M. Jensen (eds), Ars Edendi Lecture Series. Stockholm, pp. 1–25.
- Teeuwen, M. & S. O’Sullivan, 2016. ‘The harvest of ancient learning: healthy fruits or rotten apples?’, in R. H. Bremmer & K. Dekker (eds), Fruits of Learning—The Transfer of Encyclopaedic Knowledge in the Early Middle Ages, Leuven, pp. 303–320.
- Teeuwen, M., 2017. ‘Voices from the edge: annotating books in the Carolingian period’, in Teeuwen & van Renswoude 2017, pp. 13–36.
- Teeuwen, M., 2018. ‘Traces of readers and users in manuscripts with glossaries: examples from Leiden University Library’, in C. Di Sciacca, C. Giliberto, C. Rizzo, & L. Teresi (Eds.), Studies on Late Antique and Medieval Germanic Glossography and Lexicography in Honour of Patrizia Lendinara, Pisa. Vol. II, pp. 743-758.
- Teeuwen, M., 2019. ‘Die Ränder der Handschrift als Spiegel des mittelalterlichen Geistes : Die karolingische Zeit’, in P. Carmassi & C. Heitzmann, Marginalien in Bild und Text: Essays zu mittelalterlichen Handschriften. Wiesbaden, pp. 61–77.
- Teeuwen, M., 2020. ‘Reading Boethius around 900: manuscripts of Boethius’s texts and their annotations’, in W. Pezé (ed), Knowledge and Culture in Times of Threat: The Fall of the Carolingian Empire (c. 900). Stuttgart, pp. 279–303.
- Teeuwen, M., 2021. ‘I2’s Interest in Music: Two Manuscripts that Witness His Knowledge and Scholarship’, in B. Scott (ed), Litterarum dulces fructus: Studies in Early Medieval Latin Culture in Honour of Michael W. Herren for his 80th Birthday, Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia 85. Turnhout, pp. 435 – 460.